December Projects

This project is an individual and group project.

Part 1-   Due November 29, 2010

 Each student will be assigned a  organ system.

A. You need to complete the "Prism" Graphic Organizer to list the organs in your organ system.  

B. You will also need to write a paragraph that details two OTHER organ systems it works with and how.

(Example: Reproductive works with the Endocrine  and Circulatory systems.

Part 2 - December 3, 2010

A. Write 3 paragraph essay about your organ system . In each paragraph describe a disease of the organ system, how the disease is contracted and how it is treated or cured. ( A TOTAL of 3 DISEASES)

You must provide 2 books and one website to indicate where you obtained information from.

Part 3-  December 8, 2010

Group work plan needs to be handed in. Students will indicate the role or responsibility of each person in the group. The group members need to organize how they will share the information with the class. Each group must also provide an outline of the notes they will share with class.

(Example: Group lesson with more than one teacher, a talk show format, a song/rap,  or modeling the information with pictures)